English Notes

Boxer’s fate symbolises the position of ordinary decent minded by simple worker under an oppressive tolatitarian regime. Discuss.

Boxer's fate symbolises the position of ordinary decent minded by simple worker under an oppressive tolatitarian regime. Discuss.
Boxer’s fate symbolises the position of ordinary decent minded by simple worker under an oppressive tolatitarian regime. Discuss.

Boxer’s fate symbolises the position of ordinary decent minded by simple worker under an oppressive tolatitarian regime. Discuss.


‘Animal Farm’ deals with the problems of labour class who expend their last drop of energy for the welfare of mandkind. Discuss.

In the novel ‘Animal Farm‘ George Orwell has presented Boxer as a simple worker, who has a firm belief in his leader. So, Boxer’s fate symbolises the fate of a simple worker under a oppressive totalitarian regime. His strong belief in labour produces a philosophy. His faith in work is so dominant in him that even at the time of his death, he remains busy in his work. Besides his simplicity and purity of heart derives a lot of sympathy from readers. Labour is so much with him that in many situations he seems to have no intellect. He never forgets the message of Old Major who asked the animals to work hard. He decides to shed the last drop of his energy for the welfare of his fellow animals. After revolution he works very hard to produce food. All the animals realise that his labour is equal to that of three horses. He becomes a source of inspiration for other animals. Yet he is not satisfied with his labour and usually says that he will work harder. When Jones attacks at the farm, he fights very bravely and succeeds in defeating Jones. He believes in that physical labour which is the only power that brings victory. At the end of battle, he is decorated with military order, ‘Animal Hero Second Class’. Even after the exit of Snowball he does not lose his faith in labour. The construction of windmill is very difficult task but his efforts make it possible.

Boxer works more than his capacity, though Clover suggests that he should not do hard labour. When windmill is ruined by storm, all the animals, except Boxer lose their heart. He determines to rebuild it. He doubls and redoubles his lapour though he is not well fed. Thus, his labour completes the work of windmili while the credit of its reconstruction goes to Napoleon. But he does not take care of it because he believes in labour not in the fruit of labour. Frederick and his men attack the ‘Animal Farm’ and the windmill is again destroyed with the blasting power used by Frederick. Most of the animals. frightened and ran away. But Boxer clashes with the enemy and animals emerge victorious. He is again anxious to rebuild the windmill though the circumstances of farm and his old age have lessened his energy. Yet he desires to do much work as he is capable of, before he retires. While working at the sight of windmill, he falls and becomes a victim of serious accident in which he dies. Thus, he lives only for labour, and becomes an object of admiration of his strength.

Personality of Boxer is plain and simple. He does not express his thoughts on the issue of windmill. When he sees Snowball being attacked by Napoleon’s dogs, he is baffled. But, when Squealer says that “No one believes more firmly than Napoleon that all animals are equal”, he does not create any confusion in him and believes Squealer in a straight way. He never questions Napoleon and always obeys his orders. He is slightly disturbed when he hears Squealer saying that Snowball has been a secret agent of Jones, because he was witness of the clash between the two. But when Squealer says that it was opinion of Napoleon, he immediately admits that if comrade Napoleon says it, it must be true.

Unlike, Napleon, Boxer, possesses a sense of morality. At no place, he adopts immoral ways of life. He repents for injury of stable boys and plays important role in funeral of sheep which were killed by the men of Jones. When Napoleon slaughters three hens and four ducks, he is slightly disturbed and remembers Old Major who said that no animal would kill other animal in the farm. In another battle with Frederick his hoof gets injured badly. Bejamin suggests him not to work hard, but his conscience does not allow it and he continues to work hard.

In fact, the personality of Boxer represents the fate of common man. Through Boxer, the novelist conveys a general message that the lives of common people are meant for suffering. Governments come and go but general conditions of these people remains unchanged. They are simply manipulated oy upper class of the society. Similarly, Napoleon manipulates Boxer in the novel. Boxer represents common people, it is also clear from his death. When he gets injured in an accident, he becomes useless for labour. Therefore, Naopleon sends him to the house of butcher instead of providing him medical aid. The novelist is of opinion that these common people are seldom paid any attention by the higher authorities. The system of retirement is the outcome of this attitude.

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Anjali Yadav

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