English Notes

What do you understand by dramatic irony ? How Shakespeare uses it in Macbeth ?

What do you understand by dramatic irony ? How Shakespeare uses it in Macbeth ?
What do you understand by dramatic irony ? How Shakespeare uses it in Macbeth ?

What do you understand by dramatic irony ? How Shakespeare uses it in Macbeth ?

Dramatic Irony

Introduction: Shakespeare has used Dramatic irony is a great device. It creates wonderful effects. Dramatic irony is produced by difference is appearance and reality. If the difference is in character, the irony of character is produced. If the difference is situation, the irony of situation takes place. In this way there may be irony speech irony of thought, irony of action as well as irony of purpose Shakespeare’s Macbeth’s is a masterpiece in this regard ‘Macbeth’ presents different sorts of irony.

Irony of Character: There is a difference between appearance and reality of a character, the irony of character is produced. Shakespeare developes the character of Macbeth with a great dramatic skill. Macbeth’s character is intersting example of irony of character. Macbeth is introduced in the play as most faithful general of the king Duncan.

But the sence of guilt becomes so heavy on her soul that she becomes a patient of sleep-walking.

Irony of Action-It is the different between appearance and reality of action, which produces irony of action. Macbeth murders Duncan’s guards to claim his faithful love for the dead king.

Lady Macbeth too pretends that she is deeply shocked and falls unconscious. But these actions create a strong doubt in the mind of Banquo and others.

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth murder Duncan to make their lives fortunate. But infact their life becomes a curse after the murder.

Macbeth gets Banquo killed to feel secure but Banquo’s ghost upsets him and all feel that he is guilty.

Irony of Speech-The difference between spoken words and their real or hidden meaning becomes the source of irony of speech. Witches use ironic words when they predict for Banquo.

When Duncan visits Macbeth’s castle, he feels that the atmosphere is pleasing, the castle beautiful and the hostess kind. He does not know that Lady Macbeth, the hostess has planned his murder.

Irony of Situation- The play provides irony of situation where a dramatic turn appears in situation, Macbeth gets Banquo murdered. But in the Banquet claims great love for Banquo. The situation turns when the ghost appears and Macbeth is upset. Lady Macbeth has to tell a false story of her husband’s illness.

It too is irony of situation that the predictions of the apparitions become the cause of Macbeth’s weakness. When he hears that the Birnam Wood is moving to Dunsinane, he loses his courage. Macduff informs Macbeth that he was untimely removed from his mother’s womb. So Macduff is not a woman’s born. Hearing it, Macbeth is disheartened.

……..I will not fight with thee. It is irony of situation that sources of strength make him weak enough to accept defeat without fighting.

Irony of Though- Lady Macbeth thinks that spots of blood may be washed without difficulty. When she finds Macbeth afraid of his bloody hands she rebukes him. Later on she feels that her hads have shell of blood. During her sleep walking she laments.

Irony of Purpose- Their is great irony in the purpose of witches. They pretend to be friend and bless noble things but their purpose is evil. They want to destrory the mankind. What is good for mankind is bad for them.

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Anjali Yadav

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