English Notes

Animal Farm is not only a satire upon revolution, but also upon all the human hopes, by one who has ceased to share them. Discuss.

Animal Farm is not only a satire upon revolution, but also upon all the human hopes, by one who has ceased to share them. Discuss.
Animal Farm is not only a satire upon revolution, but also upon all the human hopes, by one who has ceased to share them. Discuss.

Animal Farm is not only a satire upon revolution, but also upon all the human hopes, by one who has ceased to share them. Discuss.

The main object of a satire is to ridicule vices and follies of society. In fact, satire is a literary achievement and it has been existing in literature since the time of Chaucer. The modern era is marked by the development of keen political awareness. Almost all over the world, democracy has been adopted. Thus, political ups and downs affected the life of common man. Now it is the responsibility of every writer to be aware of political happenings. Modern age also known for its dual standard of morality. Being a great writer of Modern era, George Orwell had a great desire to serve as journalist. His all the novels are closely related to the contemporary happenings in the political scene. So, his great novel, ‘Animal Farm‘ is also a political satire which points out the drawbacks of Stalinism and its impact on common Russian people. Animals are treated as animal. with novel, but they are symbols of human personality like “Hind and the Panther” in which animals debate on political and religious matter, Animal Farm also presents very interesting discussions among animals. Basic principles of ‘Animalism are very ideal, but they are not followed by the rulers because of temptation of power. It paves the way for Totalitarianism instead of Socialism or communism. Thus, the novel presents two important aspects of the contemporary Pussia. First, it presents the change in attitude of the rulers and secondly, it presents the historical facts of Stalin era.

There is no doubt that the novel preserts a fantastic commentary on the general attitude aud tendency of relers. The writer mentions in one of his essays that “All talk about democracy, liberty, equality, fraternity of revolutionary movement, of visions of classless society are humbug. They cover the ambitions of some new class which wants to get into new power. Orwell expresses his opinion by saying that, “in each great revolutionary struggle, masses are fed on vague dreams of human brotherhood and then, when the new ruling class is well established in power, they are thrust back into servitude and slavery.” George Orwell, the novelist, warns through his novel ‘Animai Farm’, that the revolutions which are inspired by great ideals, end in failure unless the rulers are the broadminded.

The satire of the novel has great importance because it is blended with humour and wit, finely. Its tragic incidents also present comic atmosphere. The expulsion of Snowball, the attack of Mr. Jones, killing of ducks are though pathetic scenes, yet the writer is very keen in presentation of humour and wit while creating these. He exposes the faults and drawbacks of society in very comic manner. He laughs at the faults and follies of society, but his laughing is also very meaningful. It is so, because his purpose is to expose these faults and follies.

Gerorge Orwell wrote, ‘Animai Farm’ because he was an ardent socialist. He was of the opinion that among all the political systems, only socialism can remove dejection of the common man and bring succour to him. He could not find any difference between communisto and fascism. He was of the opinion that communism and facism, bo can influence people but these two modes of political thoughts cannot. resolve the problems of common man. These political formis also create a tyrannical atmosphere, to some extent, and raise the chances for the development of obvious dictatorship.

In view of the above discussions, it can be said that the theme of the novel is very serious and satirical creation of such themes is realiy a difficult task. But Orwell not only satirises the politica! modes of contemporary rulers but also presents a fine blending of humour and wit. This blending makes it an artistic work of great value. The theme of the novel is so much invested with the element of humour and it that it cannot be separated from them. Like Swift, Orwell semns to be an expert and keenly interested in the political ups and downs. Though Orwell is known for his subjectivity in his writings yet he had attained the great success in producing the element of objectivity in ‘Animal Farm’ It is so, because the novelat realizes that the fact that a satirist should keep his personality away from the satire and he should play the role of observer caly In short, the chief purpose of George Orweli in ‘Animal Farm’ is to deal with the various vices and virtues of human beings.

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Anjali Yadav

इस वेब साईट में हम College Subjective Notes सामग्री को रोचक रूप में प्रकट करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं | हमारा लक्ष्य उन छात्रों को प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की सभी किताबें उपलब्ध कराना है जो पैसे ना होने की वजह से इन पुस्तकों को खरीद नहीं पाते हैं और इस वजह से वे परीक्षा में असफल हो जाते हैं और अपने सपनों को पूरे नही कर पाते है, हम चाहते है कि वे सभी छात्र हमारे माध्यम से अपने सपनों को पूरा कर सकें। धन्यवाद..

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