अधिगम के स्थानान्तरण का शैक्षिक महत्व | Educational importance of transfer of learning in Hindi...
Author - Anjali Yadav
स्थानान्तरण में शिक्षकों की भूमिका | role of teachers in...
स्थानान्तरण में शिक्षकों की भूमिका | role of teachers in transfer in Hindi स्थानान्तरण में शिक्षकों...
Write a note on the elements of a short story.
Write a note on the elements of a short story. Write a note on the elements of a short story. Short...
Write a short note on narrative technique of a novel.
Write a short note on narrative technique of a novel. Write a short note on narrative technique of...
What do you understand by Novel? What are the elements which are...
What do you understand by Novel? What are the elements which are to considered in plot construction...
थार्नडाइक के सीखने के सिद्धान्त | सिद्धान्त के गुण या विशेषताएं...
थार्नडाइक के सीखने के सिद्धान्त | सिद्धान्त के गुण या विशेषताएं | सिद्धान्त के दोष या सीमाएं...