English Notes

Describe George Orwell as a social critic.

Describe George Orwell as a social critic.
Describe George Orwell as a social critic.

Describe George Orwell as a social critic.

George Orwell is considered on interesting social critic of modern age. As a social critic he can be compared with G.B. Shaw. Like G.B. Shaw, his purpose of writing was to present the short comings of society in a very humours manner. But the sense of humour does not affect the truth that he wants to convey. As a true patriot, he loved his country with its customs and traditions but he did not hesitate to condemn those traditions and customs which were responsible for the miseries of common people. His element of idealism is mixed with realism due to his attempt at social and political problems of his age. Like other literary figures he also believed that materialism was a hinderance in the peace of mind. Therefore, he laid emphasis on the spiritual impulses. His novels are the best criticism of the social and political problems of his time. These novels highlight all the major problems of modern era. In his novels, George Orwell raised following problems:

1. Problem of Poverty : Economic injustice is one of the strong causes that are responsible for the miseries of common man. Orwell raised this issue in his novel ‘Clergyman’s Daughter. The main theme of the novel is the injustice and inequality in human society. The novelist reveals the fact how a daughter of clargyman is harrassed by trademan’s debt. When she finds herself penniless in London, she losses her memory.

2. The Vices of Capitalism: George Orwell Possessed a great political awareness. He has discussed the problems created by the capitalists in his various essays and novels. He strongly believed that socialism was the only system which could bring prosperity in common man’s life. He was also of the opinion that both the World Wars were the result of the conflict between two ideologies. He opposed all those policies which did not contribute to the progress of the poor.

3. East-West conflict: George Orwell has revealed West-East conflict in his novels very well. Though he belonged to the west, his notions are not biased or prejudiced and partial ideas. He measures the conflicts very impartially. In his novel, ‘Burmese Days’, Flory, an English merchant, is the member of the European club at Kyanak Tada in upper Burma. His only friend, an Indian whose name is Veraswami is also a member of the club. But veraswami is expelled from the club because he is a non-white member. Flory is deeply shocked to know it.

4. Problem of Love and Sex: The problem of sex and love has been one of the most powerful and exciting sentiment of all the writers. Very few writers could avoid the problems of love and sex. Orwell was also a sentimental personality. In his life, he fell in love. with two ladies. He realized that he is failed in love affairs. He was also of the opinion that the broken love affairs may cause many other problems.

George Orwell, who is a keen observer of the society convey the message of democratic values to the society. According to him, socialism is the remedy of many evils of the society. Even the question of inequality and injustice gets its answer in socialism. The author realizes that the present era is marked with those circumstances in which youth faces many difficulties in the achievement of prosperity. The present society is facing the problem of unemployment. That is why, the skill of youth being harrassed. The author observes each and every problem of society very impartially.

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Anjali Yadav

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