Commerce Notes

Evils or Demerits of Money

Evils or Demerits of Money

Money is, no doubt a source of several blessings and benefits to mankind. But it has many dark sides unless we control it. This is why, because money is a good servant but a bad master.

Robertson has aptly observed that “Money is regarded as the cause of theft and murder, of deception and betrayal. Money is blamed when the prostitute sells her body and when the bribed judge perverts the law. It is money against which the moralist declaims when he wishes to oppose excessible materialism. Significantly enough, avarice is called the love of money and all evil is attributed to it.”

Money is just as a veil between commodities and would not disturb the real working of economies. When money is not properly manipulated it disturbs the real relationship between commodities and it become dangerous for economy.

Following are the main evils of money:

(a) Economic Evils of Money:

Following are the main economic evils or defects of money:

  1. Money encourages to borrowings by giving birth to easy credit transactions.
  2. Money strengths capitalism in the hands of a few rich persons.
  3. Money encourages over-capitalisation and over-production in the economy.
  4. Money and purchasing power are not synonymous.
  5. Money creates unequal distribution of wealth.
  6. Money creates fluctuations in business.
  7. It creates instability in value of money.
  8. Money emerges inflation and deflation in the economy.
  9. Money gives birth to struggle between poors and rich.
  10. Money becomes master from servant.
  11. Money is not real measurement of human waiver and content.

Following general statements are given in relation to money:

  1. “Money is a valuable though dangerous invention.”
  2. “Money is a necessary evil.”
  3. “Money which is a source of so many blessings of mankind becomes also unless we control it, a source of peril and confusion.”
  4. “Money is a good servant but a bad master.”

(b) Social Evils of Money:

Following are social evils of money:

  1. Money encourages materialism in the society.
  2. Money tends to become the master.
  3. Money leds to avarice, betrayal, corruption, robberies, murder and prostitution etc.
  4. Money shelters to the nature of exploitation etc.

Money is useful as well as dangerous. Should we abandon it? As money is a source of so money blessings as well as peril and confusion unless it is properly controlled and managed.

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About the author

Anjali Yadav

इस वेब साईट में हम College Subjective Notes सामग्री को रोचक रूप में प्रकट करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं | हमारा लक्ष्य उन छात्रों को प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की सभी किताबें उपलब्ध कराना है जो पैसे ना होने की वजह से इन पुस्तकों को खरीद नहीं पाते हैं और इस वजह से वे परीक्षा में असफल हो जाते हैं और अपने सपनों को पूरे नही कर पाते है, हम चाहते है कि वे सभी छात्र हमारे माध्यम से अपने सपनों को पूरा कर सकें। धन्यवाद..

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