English Notes

Give a character sketch of Macduff.

Give a character sketch of Macduff.
Give a character sketch of Macduff.

Give a character sketch of Macduff.

Macduff’s Character sketch –

Introduction – Macduff is one of the most important miner character of Macduff. It is minor as it appear for a limited action. Macduff too is such a character. He comes to light with the murder of Duncan. He is the first man who in the morning, descovers that Duncan is murdered. He informs others including Banquo and Malcolm.

His Faithfulness-Macduff is faithful to the king of Scotland. He is deeply shocked seeing the dead body of Duncan.

Macduff: O horror! horror! horror!

Tongue nor heart can’t conceive, nor name thee!

He is not able to bear the burden of this heart-breaking news and wants to share it with others. He informs Banquo.

Macduff: O Banquo ! Banquo ! Our royal master’s murdered!

He tells Maclolm that Duncan is dead. When he comes to know that Macbeth killed the guards appointed in the chamber of Duncan, he asks Macbeth about it.

Macduff: Wherefore did you do?

Macbeth fails to give a satisfactory answer. Banquo declares that he will find out the murder and oppose the plot against the country Macduff supports him.

His Patriotism-Macduff is a patriot. He holds Macbeth guilty of Duncan’s murder for the king is killed in Macbeth’s castle. He does not attend the royal crowning of Macbeth. When Macbeth invites all thanes to attend the royal banquet, he does not attend it for he does not want to support a traitor. Macbeth markes it and takes the matter seriously. Witches also warm him against Macduff. Macduff wants to see the end of Macbeth’s tyranny. He goes to England to meet Malcolm. He requests Malcolm to defeat Macbeth and to relieve Scotland from the tyranny of Macbeth’s rule.

Malcolm takes him for Macbeth’s spy and refuses to accept his proposal. It breaks his heart. He is highly disappointed.

He makes it clear that country is about all treasures of the woeld. He can’t betray the beloved country. It impresses Malcolm and he with the help of the English forces, attacks Scotland to kill Macbeth.

A Tragic Sufferer-Macbeth’s fury falls heavy on Macduff. Macbeth comes to know that Macduff is in England. He orders remove Macduff’s family. Macduff’s wife and children are killed mercilessly. Even servants are killed Ross informs it to Macduff in England.

Malcolm asks Macduff to bear the grief patently and convert it into anger against Macbeth.


Malcolm: Be this the whetstene of your sword: let grief

Convert to anger: blunt not the heart, enrage it.

A brave Man-Macduff is a brave man. He is a true warrior. Now he has a personal cause too against Macbeth. By killing Macbeth he wants to take revenge of his family’s merciless killing Macbeth challanges Macduff saying that his soul is charged with Macduff’s blood. Macduff says that warriors act without wasting tme in vain talk.

Macbeth claims that he has a charmed life. None of woman-born may harm him. Macduff surprises him by saying.

Macduff: Despair thy charm;

And let the Angel, whom thou still has serv’d

Tell thee, Macduff was from his mother’s words

Untirely ripp’d

The discovery disheartness Macbeth so much that his warrior bravery is lost. Macduff makes him a coward and he surrender’s before Macduff. Just then Macbeth decided to die fighting. Macduff hates him.

Macduff thus plays an important role in the play. In a way he extends the part of Banquo. Macbeth gets Banquo murdered and no one is left to challange Macbeth.

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Anjali Yadav

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