English Notes

To a large extent Animal Farm is the story of the rise of absolute power of Napoleon. Discuss.

To a large extent Animal Farm is the story of the rise of absolute power of Napoleon. Discuss.
To a large extent Animal Farm is the story of the rise of absolute power of Napoleon. Discuss.

To a large extent Animal Farm is the story of the rise of absolute power of Napoleon. Discuss.


Sketch the character of Napoleon in the novel ‘Animal Farm’.

Napoleon is a true representative of human desire of power. He does not take part in the Battle of Cowshed’. He keeps rivalry with Snowball. He breaks all the ideals of revolution. He is a true representative of tyrannical power and evil which spoil the mankind. The whole ‘Animal Farm’ is a historical description of the rise of his power and tyranny. He is symbolized for Stalin by George Orwell who tried to exploit the people of Russia. The chief aim of the writer, behind creation of the character Napoleon, is to show the tyrannical ways of Stalin through this character.

Napoleon is not only the most remarkable character of the novel, but also the whole plot is the reflection of his character. Though he is not present during the speech of Old Major in the first chapter, yet from the second chapter and onward, he becomes more and more dominant in the novel. Even George Orwell himself say about him, “He possesses the personality of large rather fiere looking Berkshire bear not much of a talker hut with a reputation for getting his own way.” In the beginning when he is introduced, he seems to possess the quality of a leader, bu very soon, he begins to dominate the farm When he änds some danger from Snowball, for his existence and future plans, he drive away him with the help of his trained dogs and becomes the soie leader of the farm and declares the tradition of the farm to be ended.

Like Jones, Napoleon also becomes corrupt after gesing power. In the beginning when Snowbail presents the project of windmiil, ne opposes him. When ne finds that animals are following Snowball, he sets his four ferocious dogs on Snowball. Later on, he declares the same plan of windmill. In the same manner, he puts all the responsibility of every mishappenings of the farm over Snowball. When the windmill is destroyed by storm, he declares that it was destroyed by Snowball. He breaks all the seven commandments one by one, simply because these commandments are obstructions on the way of his corruption. He wants to adopt all the ways of human beings. In order to make his life luxurious, he starts to take wine. But he hides his habit and declares that he is about to die, because Snowball has got success in mixing poison in his food. That is why he has to take alcohol in order to reduce that bad effect of poison. He soon gets well. When animals object that he is violating the fifth commandment, he amends it as “No animal shall drink alcohol in excess”.

The hypocrisy of Naploeon was so noticeable that from the beginning to the end other animals seledom doubt this loyality. Boxer, who is the most labourious among the animals, often says that “If comrade Napoleon says it, it must be true.” Naploeon, possesses a selfish and cunning personality. Whenever the farm falls in Battle, he escapes. In the beginning, when revolution takes place in the farm, he does not play important role like that of Snowball. Similarly, in the ‘Battle of Cowshed’, he keeps himself safe. But later on, he takes all the credit of victory on himself. In the last battle with Frederick and his men, he preaches the animals. Thus, it is clear that he never comes in the front.

When we observe his character deeply, we find that he possesses a personality of a modern leader who takes the advantage of the revolution. In fact, he stands for Stalin of Russia. Undoubtedly, the novel ‘Animal Farm’ is the story of the Soviet Union after revolution, but it presents the general position of every country that gets freedom after revolution. Napoleon is a symbol of modern leaders, who adopt corrupt ways, after getting power. Like other modern leaders, Napoleon also, believes in the development of his community. He does best to contribute to the progress of pigs. He pay all his attention for the development of pigs only. Like modern leaders. Napoleon also, endeavours to abolish old traditions in order to keep his position safe. Napoleon removes all the old traditions of farm because these traditions remind animais of farm aboui Old Major and Snowball.

To sum up, it may be said that George Orwell has created the character of Napoleon very skillfully. Napoleon is the true representative of Stalin of Russia. He also represents all the modern leaders and conveys the message that power corrupts the man and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Anjali Yadav

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