English Notes

What is the importance of dagger scene in Macbeth?

What is the importance of dagger scene in Macbeth?
What is the importance of dagger scene in Macbeth?

What is the importance of dagger scene in Macbeth?


Write an essay on the importance of Dagger scene in Macbeth.

Macbeth’s Dagger scene reveals psychological nature of human. In Macbeth, Shakespeare constructed the plot with well design.

The scene appears just before the murder of Duncan. Macbeth is all alone. He has decided to kill Duncan who is a guest in his castle that night. According to the plan Lady Macbeth has to drug all guards. She will ring the bell and Macbeth will enter Duncan’s chamber to murder him. Macbeth waits for the signal of his wife. Just then he is surprised seeing a dagger before him.

The Dagger Speech-Macbeth is surprised that a dagger is hanging before him in air. He wants to touch it but fails. It is a great surprise for him that he is not able to catch a thing which is present before his eyes. The handle of the dagger is towards his hand. He thinks that it is an imaginary dagger created by mind. His mind is full of foul thoughts of murder. So the image of a deadly dagger has appeared before his eyes. His mind is upset. It is troubled by a serious conflict between duty and ambition.

Macbeth draws his dagger to confirm that his senses are active. The dagger guides Macbeth to Duncan’s chamber. It astonishes Macbeth that the dagger has kowledge of his future plan. Now he observes a change in it. Some blood spots appear on it.

He concludes that the bloody business of of Duncan’s murder has, thus, appeared before, him. It reminds him to witches, murder and wolf. He decides to enter Duncan’s chamber like a ghost. He fears the firm -set earth will hear his steps and his act of murder will be disclosed.

Macbeth’s Psychology-The speech exposes Macbeth’s Psychology. His mind is full of evil thoughts. He always thinks about murder and bloodshed. He talks about witchcraft and wolf. He imagines Hecate, the queen of witches loves dead bodies.

Witchcraft celebrates.

Pale Hecate’s offerings;and wither’s murder

Alarum’s by his sentinal, the wolf.

He wants to move like a ghost. Tarquin becomes his ideal. It is the effect of evil that a great warrior like him has no courage to enter the character of an old man even though all guards are intoxicated.

Dramatic Irony-Shakespeare makes an interesting use of dramatic irony in this scene. When Macbeth hears the bell he comments that Duncan should not hear the bell for it calls Duncan to heaven or hell. After Duncan’s murder Macbeth realizes that Duncan is in heaven while he is suffering the tortures of hell.

Macbeth’s fear is well exposed in the scene. He intends to move like a ghost. He requests the ‘sure and firm set earth not to hear his stpes. He fears he stones will tell about his murder to others. It is the effect of evil that he has lost his bravery and courage. When his purpose was noble, he was brave and bold to face powerful armies fearlessly.

Now he has no courage to kill even a sleeping man. He is afraid of an air-drawn dagger.

Dramatic Importance- The dagger speech plays in important part. It makes the play horrible. It prepares a suitable background for Duncan’s murder. It throws light on Macbeth’s violent thoughts. It helps in under-standing the psychology of a criminal. When he commits murder, he fears all things. Macbeth gives a reasonable explanation of supernatural shadows. When mind is heated or tired it begins to create such inllusions.

Infact, Dagger scene is very important as it makes the play interesting and horrible.

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Anjali Yadav

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