English Essays





India tested the first nuclear device in 1974 at Pokhran in Rajasthan under the premiership of Mrs. Indira Gandhi. This issue started a debate whether India has a nuclear power. No Government could say for certainty that India was a nuclear power.

India: A Nuclear Power

Unexpectedly, India conducted a series of five nuclear tests again at ‘Buddha-Sthal’ (Pokhran) in Rajasthan. Three nuclear tests were conducted on May 11, 1998. and two tests were conducted on May 13, 1998. Prime Minister Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee hurriedly called a press conference. He announced that India has become a nuclear power and the Indian scientists, Rajgopalan Chidam Bram and Abdul Kalam have made it possible. Now India has a unique distinction of being a member of the nuclear club. Hitherto, the countries which had nuclear weapons were U.S.A., England, France, Russia and China. Pakistan also tested nuclear devices soon after India had done it in 1998.

Feelings of the People

The nuclear explosion amazed the entire world. The houses in the village Khetolai got cracks be cause they were quite near to the place of testing. The inhabit ants of the village did not show any anxiety, worry or protest over their individual and personal losses. Rather, this great success made them swell with joy. The Prime Minister visited the area on 20th May, 1998. He gave the slogan to the nation : Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan’. Everybody shared the Prime Minister’s sense of national pride. The P.M. underlined the necessity of acquiring nuclear capability which would ensure India’s security.


The P.M. highlighted the fact that India has be come a nuclear deterrent. The P.M.’s critics said that there was no sudden threat to India’s security from her neighbours like Pakistan and China. Therefore, it is unfair and unwise to waste a huge amount of money on secondary issues. The same money could be utilised over large issues like removal of poverty and unemployment. They even labelled it as a step taken for political reasons.

Reactions of Nuclear Powers

The nuclear powers showed their reaction variously. U.S.A., Russia, France, Japan and China etc. even threatened to stop granting financial aid to India. How ever, India did not bow her head down before these threats. Besides criticizing our exercise, U.S.A., immediately imposed sanctions. U.S.A., stopped giving aid to India. The countries like Canada, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Australia and Germany also followed U.S.A’s footsteps and took similar steps. But the P.M. was not the least affected by these threats and steps. As a counter-reply he clarified to the infuriated nations that stopping aid would have no impact on India’s economy. The government was prepared to run smoothly with out imported crutches.

Clarification by P.M.

Our major objective behind conducting the nuclear tests is to apprise the neighbouring countries that India can counter their warring capability and intentions. India is now in the capacity of self-defence. The developed countries must not become oblivious of the fact that India has already conducted her first nuclear test in 1974. The five nuclear tests conducted in 1998 are merely the supplements. Out of 2052 nuclear tests conducted hitherto in the world, America alone has conducted 1032 nuclear tests within a period of 53 years. Similarly, Russia, France, Britain and China have also conducted 715, 210, 457 and 44 nuclear tests. It is also the general opinion of certain nations that Israel and Pakistan also possess the potentiality of nuclear explosions. They can conduct nuclear explosions any time.

Classification of India’s Nuclear Tests

1. The Fission Device Bomb was an ordinary test with a view to making the atom bomb. Its payload at the time of explosion was 15 kilotons like that of the test conducted in 1974.

2. The low yield device had the payload of less that 10 kilo tons. Its capacity was restricted to unit kiloton. It could (can) also be used as the ‘bar-head’ of the missiles. The major objective behind this test was to collect such data which might capacitate further computer-based tests in the laboratory.

3. The Hydrogen-bomb test (Thermo Nuclear Test/Device) is also termed as the ‘super bomb’. Its destructive power is from hundred fold to thousand fold of an ordinary atom bomb. (The explosive capacities of an atom bomb and the hydrogen bomb are measured in terms of kilotons and megatons respectively).

4. The sub-kiloton test. The two tests conducted in India on May 13, 1998, had the capacity of lower than one kiloton. India can now claim to have gained the capacity of computer simulation and other peaceful tests.

U.S.A. has been insisting that India should sign C.T.B.T. (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) but India declined to do so. Some countries which have signed the C.T.B.T. already have piles of nuclear weapons. They were not ready to destroy their stock pile. India called it a double standard and demanded that she too should be included in the list of nuclear club. She also demanded that the biased clauses of the C.T.B.T. may also be deleted. India, Pakistan and Israel alone were against the C.T.B.T.

Justification for Nuclear Tests

India is a peaceful country. She has made her own atom bomb to safeguard herself against black-mail from China and Pakistan and aggression of other nuclear powers. China has exploded a large number of atom and hydrogen bombs and has perfected the delivery system. It has brought the whole of India within her direct hitting range. China and the U.S.A. played a crucial part during the 1971 Indo Pak war on the strength of their nuclear power. Pakistan has again threatened India that she has set up a nuclear reactor at Kahuta, near Islamabad. The only alternative left with us now is to meet the challenge and survive the nuclear threat only through preparing our own nuclear deterrent. Our philosophy of truth and non-violence would prove ineffective when our staunch enemies are staring us in the face. A nuclear weapon alone is the answer for nuclear attack. The present climate disfavours disarmament or scrapping of nuclear weapons. There is no denying the fact that the manufacturing of an atom bomb is a costly affair. The irrigational and industrial projects are vital issues for us for the removal of unemployment and poverty. We must keep in mind that a single nuclear attack can wipe out all our projects if we are unarmed. Moreover, we can revolutionize our industries and agriculture by harnessing nuclear energy. The brainless politicians alone criticize and disfavour our going in for nuclear arms and weapons. The blood of patriots is a natural manure for the smooth growth of the tree of liberty. India has rightly joined the race of the nuclear arms since the danger of nuclear war is always there.


Conducted- launched, Announced- proclaimed, घोषित Classification- categorisation वर्गीकरण । Vital- vital important.



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About the author

Anjali Yadav

इस वेब साईट में हम College Subjective Notes सामग्री को रोचक रूप में प्रकट करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं | हमारा लक्ष्य उन छात्रों को प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की सभी किताबें उपलब्ध कराना है जो पैसे ना होने की वजह से इन पुस्तकों को खरीद नहीं पाते हैं और इस वजह से वे परीक्षा में असफल हो जाते हैं और अपने सपनों को पूरे नही कर पाते है, हम चाहते है कि वे सभी छात्र हमारे माध्यम से अपने सपनों को पूरा कर सकें। धन्यवाद..

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